If you use this dataset in any of your research works, please cite the following papers.
@inproceedings{sunderrajan2015robust, title={Robust Multiple Camera Tracking with Spatial And Appearance Contexts}, author={Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Jagadeesh, Vignesh and Manjunath, BS}, year={2015}, } @inproceedings{sunderrajan2013Multiple, author={Sunderrajan, S. and Manjunath, B.S.}, booktitle={Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), 2013 Seventh International Conference on}, title={Multiple view discriminative appearance modeling with IMCMC for distributed tracking}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={1-7}, doi={10.1109/ICDSC.2013.6778203},} @inproceedings{ni2010distributed, title={Distributed particle filter tracking with online multiple instance learning in a camera sensor network}, author={Ni, Zefeng and Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Rahimi, Amir and Manjunath, BS}, booktitle={Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on}, pages={37--40}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE} }
If you use this dataset in any of your research works, please cite the following papers.
@ARTICLE{sunderrajan2015context, author={Sunderrajan, S. and Manjunath, B.S.}, journal={Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Context-Aware Hypergraph Modeling for Re-identification and Summarization}, year={2016}, volume={18}, number={1}, pages={51-63}, keywords={Cameras;Clothing;Histograms;Image color analysis;Indexes;Topology;Training;Camera network;person re-identification;search;summarization}, doi={10.1109/TMM.2015.2496139}, ISSN={1520-9210}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{sunderrajan2013context, title={Context-aware graph modeling for object search and retrieval in a wide area camera network}, author={Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Xu, Jiejun and Manjunath, BS}, booktitle={Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), 2013 Seventh International Conference on}, pages={1--7}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} } @article{xu2013graph, title={Graph-Based Topic-Focused Retrieval in Distributed Camera Network}, author={Xu, Jiejun and Jagadeesh, Vignesh and Ni, Zefeng and Sunderrajan, Santhoshkumar and Manjunath, BS}, year={2013}, publisher={IEEE} }